Multiple old offensive and racist tweets from Wyoming QB Josh Allen surfaced on Wednesday night, just hours ahead of the NFL draft. (Getty Images)
This article was first published at on April 25, 2018, and can be seen here. It was the first article breaking the news of Allen's offensive tweets, generating massive national attention.
Wyoming’s Josh Allen, a contender to be the NFL’s No. 1 overall draft pick, may know exactly how Villanova’s Donte DiVincenzo felt when old, embarrassing tweets resurfaced.
DiVincenzo’s tweets from his time as a teenager emerged on social media shortly after his MVP performance in the national title game of the NCAA basketball tournament. The timing for Allen could be more problematic: hours before the NFL draft.
A search through the quarterback’s Twitter history shows some offensive and racist posts from 2012 and 2013.
(UPDATE: Allen reportedly acknowledged the tweets to ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith on Wednesday night and apologized, “saying he was young and dumb,” according to ESPN.)
Be warned, some of the language used below may be offensive.
Allen tweeted the “n” word multiple times.
“@cheriishhh: i dont think you niggas want a troubled son!”
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) June 14, 2012
“@Alpha_Patlan: “@J_Prodigy_5: @Alpha_Patlan (uhh) stay schemin…” Niggas Trying To Get At Me. ” doe
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) February 12, 2013
"@FelipeeeeMelo_: Bout to show up these Niggas at pong. Gonna do for @j_prodigy_5 @AFlyer5 and @J_Sal_Forever_5.":)
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) February 26, 2012
He also responded to a question that looks like was asked of him on AskFM in 2013, saying “If it ain’t white, it ain’t right!”
Why are you so white ? — If it ain't white, it ain't right!
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) June 25, 2013
While this one isn’t necessarily offensive, Allen also shared his public dislike for NBA star LeBron James in 2011.
I hate LeBron!!!!! #LeBronSucks
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) June 7, 2011
All of the tweets in question came when Allen was young — at least two years before he enrolled at Wyoming, providing yet another example of the dangers in social media.
There has been no official word yet from Allen or his agent about the tweets, which will presumably come before the draft kicks off Thursday night from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. However, Allen apparently spoke to ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith in the wee hours of Thursday morning and apologized for the tweets, saying he was “young and dumb.”
EDITORS NOTE: Allen's tweets have been embedded as quotes in this article, as they were deleted after the original article was posted on